Cranleigh - Abu Dhabi


Swimming at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi is improving significantly, both competitively and recreationally. Swimmers regularly receive medals and team trophies in ADISSA competitions across all age groups.

Swim Meets and Results


Our 25 metre, six-lane pool is put to full use throughout the year with both boys and girls training together in morning and afternoon sessions under the tutelage of the Head of Swimming.


The school has a partnership with 4th Lane Swimming Academy and this helps us to deliver highly effective lessons and training sessions to all our students in both the curriculum and co-curriculum.


Throughout the year, the school swim team competes in the Abu Dhabi International School Swim League.

During Term 3, our swim squads compete at the End of Year Championships.

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Cranleigh Abu Dhabi

Cranleigh - Abu Dhabi